Thursday, October 31, 2019

MKTG216 - Consumer Demographics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MKTG216 - Consumer Demographics - Essay Example al., 2011). Based on the demographic perception, certain age groups decipher different choices than others. In addition to this, their choices of product are also influenced by cultural diversity. The buying behaviour of consumers is also mostly influenced by the income factor. Illustratively, luxurious products are preferred by people who have higher income than those who have lower income levels (Afzal & Pakistan, 2013). In order to justify the stated notions or speculations, the paper analyses the changes in household mortgage expenditure distributions and inequalities in Leichhardt and Fairfield from 2006 to 2011. The paper also aims to elaborate the distribution of household mortgage repayment differences in between the mentioned years. The Gini coefficients of the two cities, Leichhardt and Fairfield, have thus been analysed to measure inequality in the distribution of household mortgage expenditure. The Gini coefficient is used as a statistical measure associated with the income of a family that covers wages, salaries, income from properties, dividends, royalties and other sources of household incomes. The income earned by individuals is arranged according to certain ranking patterns and cumulative percentages of household are derived from it. Income and wealth are different from each perspective where income is defined as the total availability of monetary funds in the present situation whereas wealth refers to savings or other capital assets collected with the aim of future expenditure. Therefore, in a particular time period, the inequality in income would not affect the wealth distribution spontaneously within a demographic area. On the other hand, it is likely that a country with equal allocation of income has immeasurable inequality of wealth distribution. Contextually, Gini coefficient is important for the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Explain the impacts of the decision in Williams v Roffey Bros & Essay

Explain the impacts of the decision in Williams v Roffey Bros & Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd. 1991 1 QB on the doctrine of consideration - Essay Example In order to critically asses the requirement of the proposition at hand, i.e. the impact of the case Roffey Bros & Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd. 1991 1 QB vs.Williams, we must first establish the premises of consideration under which this case fell, and then the outcome, and subsequently the impact of this case on the entire doctrine of consideration. The case was applied under the existing contractual duty that the promise owes to the promisor. In the latter case, half the crew of a ship had deserted it, and the other half had been promised extra money to carry on working till the ship reached its final destination, Bombay. Unlike the decision in Stilk v Myrick however, in this case the Court of Appeal had held that there was consideration in this case, mainly because the crew was so small that the remaining journey was more dangerous than when the contract had been formulated. The case of Williams v Roffey however, had an impact on consideration that was in some essence, groundbreaking. Before assessing this impact however, the facts of the case must be established and analyzed. Roffey was a building firm that had a contract to refurbish a block of flats, and had sub contracted the carpentry work to Williams, who had accepted the offer in return for  £20,000. Williams was however having financial problems and it became significantly obvious that he would not be able to finish the work on the due date. Roffey’s contract with the owners of the flat included a penalty clause in it, which effectively stated that if the work was not finished on the specified date then the contract would be terminated and Roffey would not be entitled to payment. In other words, it would lose out. Roffey thus approached Williams with an extra  £10,300 (and had already agreed that the original price had been far too low). It should be kept in mind, that this new agreem ent had also included new working agreements

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Causes And Effects Of Child Abuse

The Causes And Effects Of Child Abuse In a civilized society one would expect the occurrence of child abuse to be nearly non-existent, however the statistics do not support this belief. This paper defined what child abuse is .It also revised the short term and long-term effects of this abuse and the resulting mental, physical and societal issues that arise from early abuse and continue on throughout their childhood. It will bring up the statistical information showing the continued abuse against a child. It is hoped that this research enlighten readers on pertinent facts and information on the causes and effects of this cruel act. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault to simple neglect of a childs basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment. Infants and preschool children are most likely to suffer deliberately inflicted fractures, burns, and bruises. This is known as the battered-child syndrome. Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations. It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities. Studies have shown that most parents who abuse their children were once abused as a child (Funk Wagnalls, 2006). Eight percent of all children abused are emotionally maltreated. Sixteen percent are sexually abused. Twenty-seven percent are physically abused. Fifty-five percent of all children abused are neglected (Child Abuse, 1994).Any type of Child Abuse, carried out for a long period of time, may cause long-term mental damage. Although there are many formal and acceptable definitions of child abuse, the following is offered as a guide for information on child abuse and neglect. Child abuse is the act or series of acts that is described in commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver and results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to child. Most child abuse happens in childs home, with a smaller amount occurring in the organizations, schools or communities they interact with. Abuse of a child is anything that causes inj ury or puts the child in danger of physical injury. Child abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Neglect happens when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide adequate supervision, food, clothing, shelter or other basics for a child. Child abuse is any action or lack of which endangers or impairs a childs physical, mental or emotional health and development. As it will be shown in the following presentation .There are many causes of child abuse as well as effects. The most prominent one among the causes is mental illness, as well as psychological problems. The tendency is that people who are not in their right minds, could easily do harm to children, whether intentional or not. Effect of child abuse can be manifested in poor social skills, depression, difficulty in building up relationships in people, low self image, eating disorders, as well as physical disabilities. Child abuse could also lower the self worth of the child who experienced it. Regardless of the type of abuse, if not stopped and having the resultant social and psychological issues dealt with as quickly as possible may result in the vicious cycle of abuse where the abused goes out on their own and then becomes the abuser. Despite all good intentions this cycle of violence can and does occur because it is the only way that an untreated abused individual knows how to deal with stressors in a relationship. In 2007, the United States reported, among all 50 states, 753,357 cases of child mistreatment which is a ratio of 1 out of every 100 children have been reported as being abused in some fashion throughout the year. This abuse ranged from 59% being neglected, 11% being physically abused, and 7.5% sexually abused 4.2% having emotional abuse, and less than 1% being medically mistreated. Of these cases, the abuse was near evenly split between boys and girls, and 79% of the abuse occurred in those under the age of 11, with the most prominent being under the age of 4 (Child Maltreatment, 2007). Statistics are more readily reported within the United States than they are elsewhere throughout the world. However, available data from (World Health Organization [WHO], 2001) shows a global epidemic which is evidenced by: Almost 53,000 children died worldwide in 2002 as a result of homicide Up to 80 to 98% of children suffer physical punishment in their homes, with a third or more experiencing severe physical punishment resulting from the use of implements. 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence during 2002. Between 100 and 140 million girls and women in the world have undergone some form of female genital mutilation/cutting. In sub-Saharan Africa, Egypt and the Sudan, 3 million girls and women are subjected to genital mutilation/cutting every year. Worldwide, approximately 40 million children are subjected to child abuse each year UNICEF estimates that two million children died as a result of armed conflict during a recent 10-year period and that another six million were injured or disabled (Human Right Watch, 2001). Each year, approximately one million more children around the world are introduced into commercial sexual exploitation (Casa Alianza, 2001). Sexual abuse statistics vary between countries and reports, but are consistently alarming: One countrys research indicates that up to 36% of girls and 29% of boys have suffered child sexual abuse; another study reveals up to 46% of girls and 20% of boys have experienced sexual coercion (The 57th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights). We have explored the statistical occurrence of child abuse; next will be the causes that drive one to actually abuse a child. Though all of the causes of child abuse are not known, a significant amount of research points to several factors that put children at risk for abuse. There are many reasons why some people have difficulty meeting the demands of parenthood, including: Immaturity and unrealistic expectations Unmet emotional needs The stresses of child care Economic crisis Domestic violence Lack of parenting knowledge Difficulty in relationships Depression or other mental health problems Drug or alcohol problems Family history of abuse In most case that involve child abuse, the most common reoccurring factors are having a family history of abuse, mental health problems which inhibit proper abilities to cope with different situations and majority of the case involve some type of drug or alcohol use or abuse prior to the incident. In a more disturbing trend, that of child on child abuse, which is defined as a child at least 2 years of age older than the victim has been linked to after effects of a child being abused. This is to say that the abuser is abusing another child because that is what happened to them so they think it is okay or normal since they are mimicking the actions of their abusers. This last point shows why for the most part child abuse and other forms of violence is learned behavior. In new studies they are attempting to show the link in mental development being slowed in those that receive abuse at an early age, compared to those that did not receive abuse. one recent study on a group of monkeys showed that those babies that received mild abuse as an infant grew to later have deficiency of serotonin, the chemical known as the pleasure center of the brain, and as adults, those levels would rise to normal when they would abuse others. With these actions, being learned or brought about due to family, mental, emotional or addiction disorders the course of action is through prevention. The term prevention is typically used to represent activities that stop an action or behavior. It can also be used to represent activities that promote a positive action or behavior. Research has found that successful child abuse interventions must both reduce risk factors and promote protective factors to ensure the well-being of children and families. Protective factors are conditions in families and communities that, when present, increase the health and well-being of children and families. They are attributes that serve as buffers, helping parents who might otherwise be at risk of abusing their children to find resources, supports, or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively, even under stress. The impact of child maltreatment can be profound. Research shows that child maltreatment is associated with adverse health a nd mental health outcomes in children and families, and those negative effects can last a lifetime. In addition to the impact on the child, child abuse and neglect affect various systems including physical and mental health, law enforcement, judicial and public social services, and nonprofit agencies as they respond to the incident and support the victims. One analysis of the immediate and long-term economic impact of child abuse and neglect suggests that child maltreatment costs the nation as much as $258 million each day, or approximately $94 billion each year (Child Welfare Information Gateway, n.d). Protective factors are conditions in families and communities that, when present, increase the health and well-being of children and families. These attributes serve as buffers, helping parents to find resources, supports, or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively, even under stress. Research has shown that the following protective factors are linked to a lower incidence of child abuse and neglect. Nurturing and attachment A childs early experience of being nurtured and developing a bond with a caring adult affects all aspects of behavior and development. When parents and children have strong, warm feelings for one another, children develop trust that their parents will provide what they need to thrive, including love, acceptance, positive guidance, and protection. Research shows that babies who receive affection and nurturing from their parents have the best chance of healthy development. A childs relationship with a consistent, caring adult in the early years is associated later in life with better academic grades, healthier behaviors, more positive peer interactions, and an increased ability to cope with stress. Knowledge of parenting and of child and youth development There is extensive research linking healthy child development to effective parenting. Children thrive when parents provide not only affection, but also respectful communication and listening, consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence. Successful parenting fosters psychological adjustment, helps children succeed in school, encourages curiosity about the world, and motivates children to achieve. Parental resilience Parents, who can cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well an occasional crisis, have resilience; they have the flexibility and inner strength necessary to bounce back when things are not going well. Multiple life stressors, such as a family history of abuse or neglect, health problems, marital conflict, or domestic or community violence-and financial stressors such as unemployment, poverty, and homelessness-may reduce a parents capacity to cope effectively with the typical day-to-day stresses of raising children. Social connections Parents with a social network of emotionally supportive friends, family, and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves. Most parents need people they can call on once in a while when they need a sympathetic listener, advice, or concrete support. Research has shown that parents, who are isolated, with few social connections, are at higher risk for child abuse and neglect. Concrete supports for parents Many factors affect a familys ability to care for their children. Families who can meet their own basic needs for food, clothing, housing, and transportation-and who know how to access essential services such as childcare, health care, and mental health services to address family-specific needs-are better able to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. Partnering with parents to identify and access resources in the community may help prevent the stress that sometimes precipitates child maltreatment. Providing concrete supports may also help prevent the unintended neglect that sometimes occurs when parents are unable to provide for their children. All of these factors along with many others can help decrease the occurrence of child abuse, but for any of it to work the cycle of violence must stop within the home before any child may have any hope for an abuse free society. Child abuse is a topic that has many aspects and issues to discus. There are many causes for this problem that lead to adverse effects on the child and community. Treating this phenomenon needs major governmental, financial, educational, health care givers and social support and awareness. Also strict roles and disciplinary actions should be applied through the governments in order to control this problem. In my point of view the earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal from their abuse and not perpetuate the cycle. The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse Day by day the safety and well being of some children across the nation are threatened by child abuse and neglect. Child abuse is doing harm to child intentionaly or not provides the essential needs for the child. Abuse child can be in physical, emotional, sexual in form or neglect. Each form has its different characteristics. Causes of child abuse can be parents causes, ecological causes or child problems. Parents causes involves parent who have background of emotional deprivation, unaware of difference between discipline and abuse, and isolated from the community. Teenage or single parent also can harm their children because they lack experience in raising children. Ecological causes which are related the environment surround the child. For example, poverty, overcrowding, substance abuse, and problems in marriage. Child causes include child disability and requirement of special needs. Child abuse has great impact on childs life, damaging a childà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s s elf esteem, ability to have healthy relationships, and ability to function at home, at work and at school. The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse Child abuse is one of the major issues that bring the attention of entire nation. Several organizations formed because it is not just an individual or familial problem. It takes different forms, physical or psychological maltreatment of children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define child abuse as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child ( The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) define child abuse and neglect as any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker who result in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation (What is Child Abuse and Neglect, 2008, para.2). Every year millions of children suffer from different type of child abuse. Most child abuse results from attempt to punish or control the child. Parents try to punish their children when they are doing something wrong and to avoid spoiling the child, but these attempts will increase to produce physical harm to the child. Therefore we have to distinguish between physical discipline and physical abuse. The most common way to distinguish physical punishment from abuse is by the presence or absence of physical injury. It is important to recognize that most parents do not want to beat their children. Virtually all parents feel regret after such an incident and most believe physical punishment is not an effective route to increase compliance, learning or respect for the parent (Durrant, 1996, p.186). In 2001, an estimated 3 million children were reported to state Child Protective Service (CPS) agencies as suspected victim of abuse and neglect. One million children were confirmed victim of maltreatment (physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, medical neglect, psychological abuse, other abuses), with another 4 million involved in referrals to Child Protective Services (National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information, 2003a;2003b). Three fourths of the perpetrators were caregivers, and an additional one tenth were relatives. However, only about one half of the child abuse and neglect report are investigated nationally, and on average only about one-third of the investigation find evidence of child abuse and neglect (Potts Mandleco, 2007, p 1208). Some people believe that the child abused by stringers only, but the truth that the child can be abused by parent, a friend of parent, neighbourhood, or even a family member. This essay paper on the causes and effects of child abuse will include types of child abuse and clinical manifestation can be seen in each type, causes and effects of child abuse. There are four forms of child abuse that is neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse. The most common form of child abuse is neglect. According to Longman dictionary neglect is pay insufficient attention to, or ignore . It means parents or caregivers fail to provide the important needs for their children. Neglecting the child can be noticed if the child lacks of hygiene, dresses clothes which is dirty, old, and inappropriate for age and weather, frequently absents from school, always sick and no medical assistance provided, malnourished and isolated from others. These signs of neglect are mostly observed by people who are always with close contact to child like the teacher, doctors, nurses and neighbours. They are frequently the ones who notice, suspect and report child neglect. Neglect has three forms which are physical neglect, emotional neglect and educational neglect. Physical neglect is the most abuse noticed among children. Physical neglect can be seen in many ways for example if the parent not provides supervision, repeat shuttling of child from one household to another for a day or week at a time, not providing adequate food for their children, clothes, house, not seeking medical care for a serious health problem or not giving the child his treatment. Emotional neglect includes inattention to childs need of affection and emotional support, expose child to extreme spousal abuse, permitting the child to use drugs and drink alcohol, refuse of medical assistance for child with psychological problems and applying high expectation that is inappropriate for childs age and level of development. Educational neglect can be if the parent refuses to enrol the child in school, failure to provide the essential learning needs and allow frequent absence from school. The second type of child abuse is physical abuse which is the most clear and has a huge physical effect on the child. Physical abuse should always be suspected when there is an injury that cannot be explained, or when the history provided is incongruous with the physical findings or the childs developmental level. Suspicion should also be aroused when the caregiver claims the injury was self-inflected, inflected by a sibling or when there is a delay in seeking medical services (Potts Mandleco,2007, p 1211). There are certain clinical manifestations can be observed in children who are abused physically which is unexplained bruises or welts that appear in various stages of healing often in clustered patterns that reflect the shapes of the articles used to inflict injury, unexplained burns especially on the soles, palms, back, or doughnut-shaped (on buttocks or genitals), unexplained fractures to the skull, nose, or facial structure; multiple or spiral fracture; or dislocations and num erous fracture in various stages of healing and bald patches on the scalp (Ashwill Droske, 1997, p 1287). A third type of child abuse is emotional abuse. Among all different child abuse, emotional abuse is the hardest type to identify. According to American Humane, Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a pattern of behaviour by parents or caregivers that can seriously interfere with a childs cognitive, emotional, psychological, or social development ( Emotional abuse occur when parents ignoring and humiliating the child, isolating the child from the family, verbally assaulting the child, threatening the child, rejecting childs value and request, putting higher expectation on the child and exposing the child to family or community violence. The clinical manifestations which can be observed on a child who is emotionally abused are speech problems, lags in physical development, failure to thrive and hyperactive or disruptive behaviour. The last type of child abuse is sexual abuse which is the least frequently reported of child abuse. According to (Potts Mandleco,2007) Sexual abuse is defined as exploitive sexual act(s) imposed on a child who lacks the emotional, cognitive, or maturational development to deal with the actions (Giardino, Brown, Giardino, 2003). Sexual abuse can be in different ways which are pressuring the child to engage in sexual activities, exposing the child genitals, sexual contact with the child, incident exposure of genitals to a child, and physical contact to child genitals. Everybody believes that the girls are more often abused sexually, but the fact that both girls and boys are sexually abused. Studies have shown those sexual abuse victims are usually between 6 and 9 years of age. Ashwill made it clear that children will show some physical signs such as difficulty walking or sitting, torn, stained or bloody underclothing, pain, swelling or itching of genitals, pain on urination, bruises, bleeding or lacerations involving the external genitalia, vagina, or anal area and excessive masturbation (Ashwill Droske, 1997, p 1289). Understanding causes of child abuse is important to address the problem in order to prevent it. Specialists and experts who evaluated a bused childs environment and family background have come out with three causes for child abuse which are parental causes, ecological causes and child problems. Parental causes include parents who are very young and lack of experience of taking care for children are more likely to neglect childs need. For example; teenage parent or single parent never learned the skills necessary for good parenting. Although, parents who suffer many problems and they cannot control their anger which will inflict their children by abusing them physically. On the other hand, parents who were abused when they were children are more likely to abuse their own children too. It is like cycle of violence and abuse. Also, some parents raise their children same the way as they rose even if parents were abused. Some parents not differentiate discipline from abuse which lead to p hysically abuse their children in order to teach them the right things. Parents who physically abuse their spouses can also abuse their children. At same time, parents who suffer from mental disorder, anxiety or depression cannot take right decision for themselves, either for their children. Ecological causes involve abusing drug and alcohol by parents. Parents who are drunk they cannot think properly for the needs of their children. Also they are unrealistic in their behavior which can lead to abuse their children without even feeling that they are doing so. Some studies show that poverty play major role in abusing children. As the parents face financial difficulties, they cannot provide childs need. Also, those parents usually isolated and lack of social support. On the other hand, if couple have problem in their marriage that may inflict their children emotionally. Some parents are aware they are mistreating a child but are unable to stop. Other abusive parents literally hate children or are disgusted by them. The childs need, sloppiness, crying, or dirty diapers are unbearable to the parent. Abusive mothers tend to believe their children are intentionally annoying them. In many cases, troubled parents expect the child to love them and make them happy. When the child cannot meet such unrealistic demands, the parent react with lethal angry. Such parents are more likely to physically abuse their children (Coon, 2004, p 154). Child problems include handicapped children. Caring of child with special needs is difficult and need family and community support. Some parents ignore the needs for the child which lead to abusing childs rights. All types of child abuse regardless the causes; affect the child by some way. The effects of child abuse vary depending on the type of child abuse. Some of these effects are physical and other are emotional or psychological. Studies show that sexual and emotional abuse has the major impact on child. Effects can be classified to short term effects and long term effects. Short term effects can easily detect and the signs of abusing show in short period. For example; wound, burns or fracture that occur after physical abuse, which healed after seeking medical treatment. Child will show some sexual behaviors include sexual play with dolls. Child will be aggressive, fear of parents, fear to go home, and isolated from public. Child will fight to other student in class. Child may have difficulty in speech and cannot express feelings. Child who has been abused by his parent will not trust them to provide physical and emotional needs, which eventually lead to lack of trust to other people in the community. Long term effects are signs that difficult to detect at beginning of abusing incidents and will progress with the developmental process of the child which lead it to occur after long time. Almost it will occur in adult age if child did not seek medical assistance. For example; the adult will have difficulty to establish normal relationships with other. Adult survive from child abuse, can have unexplained signs of fear, anxiety and depression. Adult survivor of sexual abuse can abuse other children which is the cycle of abusing. Also the adult may suffer from sexual transmitted disease. The adult will have difficulty to express feeling, and may turn to substance abuse (alcohol or drugs). The adult may attempt to suicide. To sum up, child abuse is worldwide problem affecting children from birth to 18 years of age. There are different types for child abuse which is neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. There are three main causes for child abuse which is parent causes, ecological causes, and child problems. Based on causes many effects can be observed on the child which affect child emotionally, physically and social development. In my opinion detecting the early signs of abuse will end further harm to child, better chance for recovery, and appropriate treatment will be provided for the child. Since the family is the core of love and care for the child, it is important to bring their attention and highlight the causes and effects of child abuse, so they can play significant role in stopping the matter. Therefore, proper awareness of the community plays an important role in preventing this problem from going further.

Friday, October 25, 2019

freud Essay -- essays research papers

Freud: The Idea of â€Å"Repression† In the â€Å"Second Lecture† of Sigmund Freud he uses the concept of â€Å"repression† and he gives the explanation of it as the origin of a lot of mental illness such as hysteria. Freud associates the symptom to a will conflict. He defines it as a perversion of the will because involuntarily an inhibited intention emerges. It is the premise of the dissociation. Freud explains the hysteria through the repression mechanism with a comparative study. First the subject is susceptible to pretend to elude the fulfillment of an unpleasant obligation. The second, is referred a conception of the human being like whom cannot dominate everything by himself; the subject’s ethical and other standards were the repressing forces. In this essay, I disagree with Sigmund Freud theory of â€Å"repression†, He doesn’t give a detail information of the causes of the mental disorders, and he doesn’t gives enough examples to understand his theory. I think that Freud’s explanation is inadequate to explain why people have mental disorders. It is verified how the hypnosis is still used to obtain the revelation of the significant origin of the symptoms of mental disorders. That’s the origin of the repressed memory therapy that Freud discovered with his patients. Freud says â€Å" Staring out from the mechanism of cure, it now become possible to construct quite definite ideas of the origin of the illness†. Of course there are a lot of mental illnesses that are kn...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case Study on Cost Efficiency

Introduction It is not easy to compete in the market today. Rising prices, shifting fuel rates, global competition, varying labor rates around the world, and spiraling health insurance costs have made cost control a moving target. Sometimes it seems that a company gets one set of expenses under control, and in the meantime, another area of the company begins experiencing cost overruns. It is a never ending battle to maintain company profitability. The importance of cost efficiency programs within a company cannot be overstated.Companies that are losing money, need to increase profits, or must become more competitive need to cut expenses in order to succeed. Knowing how to implement effective cost reduction strategies can be the determining factor in the survival of a business. Every organization strives to reduce cost and accomplishment of work at minimum resources to gain maximum output and financial performance. Cost efficiency is a measure of the level of resources used to create a given level of product value.How much resources are being used to create an optimum and defined level of outcomes need to work out to determine the cost of resources and cost of ultimate output it brings in existence. Company can offer lower price product for its customer benefits or can provide more features for the same price of product. While allocating Budget Company would like to maintain same level of service provisions and quality but at reduced cost and try to earn profit as much as it can. Objectives of the subject †¢ To study the concept of cost efficiency. †¢ To study importance cost efficiency. To study consequences of cost inefficiency. †¢ To study the case study on cost efficiency with reference to Google purchase Motorola mobility. Research methodology The information for the present study is collected through secondary sources i. e. from books, journal, magazines, internet, etc. Limitation of the study- The information for the present study is collec ted through secondary source no primary source is used. Organization’s Profile Google History of Google Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California.While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how many times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships between websites. They called this new technology Page Rank, where a website's relevance was determined by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site. A small search engine called â€Å"Rank Dex† from IDD Information Services designed by Robin Li was, since 1996, already exploring a similar strategy for site-scoring and page ranking.The technology in Rank Dex would be patented and used later when Li founded Baidu in China. Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine â₠¬Å"Back Rub†, because the system checked back links to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word â€Å"googol†, the number one followed by one hundred zeros, which was picked to signify that the search engine wants to provide large quantities of information for people. Originally, Google ran under theStanford University website, with the domains google. stanford. edu and z. stanford. edu. The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997 and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in a friend’s garage in California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee. In May 2011, the number of monthly unique visitors to Google surpassed 1 billion for the first time, an 8. 4 percent increase from May 2010 (931 million). Mission of Google Google Inc. s an American multinational corporation which provides Internet-r elated products and services, including Internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies. Advertising revenues from Ad Words generate almost all of the company's profits. Google is a global technology leader which focuses on improving the ways people connect with information relative to the industry Internet and Computer software. The company mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.Its product lines include Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Tools for Publishers, Local, and Enterprise. Google has became one of the most recognized brand in the world and achieved Market Share of 65. 5% (May 2011) in Search Engine Business. Google became the 4th largest technology company in USA. Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond the company's core web search engine. The company offers online productivity software including email, an office suite, and social networking.Google's products extend to the desktop as well, with applications for web browsing, organizing & editing photos, and instant messaging. Google leads the development of the Android mobile operating system, as well as the Google Chrome OS browser-only operating system, found on specialized net books called Chrome books. Google has been estimated to run over one million servers in data centers around the world and process over one billion search requests and about twenty-four peta bytes of user-generated data every day. As of September 2009 Alexa listed the main U. S. focused google. com site as the Internet's most visited website, and numerous international Google sites as being in the top hundred, as well as several other Google-owned sites such as YouTube, Blogger and Orkut. Google also ranks number two in the BrandZ brand equity database. The dominant market position of Google's services has led to criticism of the company over issues including privacy, copyright, and censorship. Google’s Organizational Structure According to Fortune and All Business magazines, Google is the fourth-most admired company in the United States.Google was also listed as the top company to work for in both 2007 and 2008. The main reason for this employee admiration is Google’s cross-functional organizational structure, which the company maintains though stellar leadership and innovative management techniques. Motorola History of Motorola Paul V. Galvin and his brother, Joseph E. Galvin, purchase a battery eliminator business in Chicago. In September 1928 they named the company Galvin Manufacturing Corporation. Galvin Manufacturing Corporation's first product they develop is a battery eliminator which allows electronic devices to run on electricity rather than batter.The name Motorola was given to Galvin’s first car stereo. ‘Motor’ stands for car and ‘ola’ stands for sound. From 1936 onward s, Galvin production lines dominate by manufacturing radios for cars and receivers up to 1947 where they produce their first television and the company name changes from Galvin Manufacturing Corporation to Motorola but then continue manufacturing communications mediums. In 1967, Motorola expands into the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and West Germany.In 1969, Motorola starts to supply the National American Space Agency (NASA) with radio equipment so astronauhts can communicate with their Earthly bases. The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong communicated with Earth whilst on the Moon using a Motorola Radio. In 2000 Motorola and General Instrument Corporation merged to enhance their services and in 2001 Motorola introduces the Motorola v60 phone the world first metal mobile phone which is available on the cellular networks GSM, TDMA and CDMA. In 2002 Motorola de veloped released a GPS chip that could be installed into consumer electronics to enable location positioning.Also Motorola released a 3G which is transmitted over CDMA network. Finally, Motorola releases the Cross-Technology PoC product line that enables subscribers to have â€Å"push-to-talk† connectivity across and between GPRS, CDMA2000 1X, and WiFi networks and Motorola releases Ojo Personal Video Phone. Ojo promises broadband connectivity and a video phone that doesn’t break up which is commonly known with video phones. Mission of Motorola Motorola wants to make phone chargers to strap onto millions of owners' bikes in emerging nations because mobile phones are often the only type of phone they own.For many people in those countries, he said, a mobile phone is often the first interaction with a computer or the Internet. Globally and locally, Motorola's mission is to make everything mobile: communication, music, photos, Internet, television. And especially putting content wherever customers want it. Chris White from Motorola's multimedia experience department discussed what Zander called the two biggest customer frustrations: getting music onto a mobile phone and getting pictures off of it. Motorola has partnered with Microsoft to bring DRM technology to its phones.Users will be able to download music from a variety of online music stores into Windows Media Player. Songs can then be dragged, dropped and synched with the phone. In regard to photos, Motorola's new Rizr Z6 phone will have a 2-megapixel camera whose pictures can be sent wirelessly over Bluetooth to a Kodak EasyShare printer. Organizational structure of Motorola The company adopts a more flat organizational structure compared to Nokia and Ericsson and grants more authority to the second level management.Within divisions, the Vice Presidents of the respective segments are authorized to adopt the ideal organizational pattern as an example, matrix approach for new product development divisions/departments, whereas a line or staff structure for production area. The company favors interdepartmental and cross functional teaming of employees and also adopts employee empowerments schemes to make good the lacunae in organizational structure, caused due to centralization of functions. The flat organization of Motorola enables the implementations of management decisions at a faster rate.Concept of cost efficiency Definition of cost efficiency â€Å"Efficiency is the ratio of output to input. A system is cost efficient if, relative to another system, its output cost less per unit of input. A system increases its cost efficiency when it maintains output with less than proportionate increase in input. Efficiency is divided into 2 parts, they are- allocative efficiency and x-efficiency. Allocative efficiency is concerned with the allocation of given resources between alternative uses in ways that maximize social welfare.X-efficiency is concerned with producing more output without any change in the allocation of inputs. It therefore focuses on inefficiencies such as overstaffing and managerial waste†. The act of saving money by making a product or performing an activity in a better way is nothing but cost efficiency. Cost efficiency is a concept which is concerned with comparing different ways of achieving the same objective such that the most cost-effective choice will be the least costly of the alternatives being compared. Cost efficiency takes into account not only the price, but other factors too.Cost efficiency is more expensive at first but in the long run it will save money. This cost efficiency refers to the use of resources so as to maximize the production of goods and services. In accountancy, the cost is said more efficient than another (in relative terms) if it can provide more goods and services for society without using more resources. In absolute terms, a situation can be called efficient if: †¢ No additional output can be o btained without increasing the amount of inputs. †¢ Production proceeds at the lowest possible per-unit cost.These definitions of efficiency are not exactly equivalent, but they are all encompassed by the idea that a system is efficient if nothing more can be achieved given the resources available. The term cost efficiency is a situation in which an organization maximizes benefit and profit, while minimizing effort and expenditure. Maximization of efficiency is a balance between two extremes. Managed correctly, it reduces costs, waste, and duplication. The greater the efficiency, the more successful organization becomes.The organizations today attempt to be more customer-responsive than efficient in this sense, and the notion of such an ordered and impersonal efficiency has lost favor in an era when creativity and innovation are valued as a competitive advantage. A goal of media marketing that is aimed at minimizing advertising expenses incurred while maximizing product publici ty to a target market in terms of breadth and frequency of exposure. Maximizing cost efficiency in a marketing campaign is highly desirable for a business since the greatest product exposure is achieved for the least amount of financial investment.Importance of cost efficiency The importance of cost efficiency programs within a company cannot be overstated. Companies that are losing money, need to increase profits, or must become more competitive need to cut expenses in order to succeed. Knowing how to implement effective cost reduction strategies can be the determining factor in the survival of a business. Keeping a Competitive Advantage A good manager understands the importance of cost reduction to the health of a company. Bloated expense accounts can eat up profits quickly.A cost efficiency plan is one that focuses on lowering costs in every business activity. The activities vary by type of business but the concept of cost reduction and its efficiency does not vary. The importanc e of cost reduction and efficiency plans is related to the most common reasons why expenses must be cut in a business. †¢ Need for increased profits †¢ Improved competitive standing †¢ Preserve company resources †¢ Reduce waste †¢ Improved productivity It is not easy to compete in the market today.Rising prices, shifting fuel rates, global competition, varying labor rates around the world, and spiraling health insurance costs have made cost control a moving target. Sometimes it seems that a company gets one set of expenses under control, and in the meantime, another area of the company begins experiencing cost overruns. It is a never ending battle to maintain company profitability. Cost efficiency can be achieved utilizing different approaches. A company can: †¢ Reduce existing expenses †¢ Eliminate unnecessary expenses Modify business strategies which affect the types of business expenses †¢ Replace higher expenses with lower expenses for sam e items The importance of cost efficiency strategies cannot be understated, especially when a company is struggling to maintain profitability. Areas that can be reviewed for expense reductions include the following. †¢ Telecommunications †¢ Leases †¢ Materials †¢ Office supplies †¢ Maintenance costs †¢ Rent †¢ Utilities When a company must generate more cash as fast as possible, management will have to decide which costs can be most effectively reduced.If the reduction is needed quickly, expenses cut first will normally be those that are not fixed or directly tied to production. It is not a good idea to drastically reduce expenses that produce the company product or service without careful evaluation. If your company understands the importance of cost efficiency as a tool to increase profitability, the company will have a much better chance of remaining profitable no matter what stage of the economic cycle is occurring. That is because cost efficie ncy is an effective tool that can be responsive to a company's need. Managing expenses is just as important as managing revenue.A regular review of costs can prevent a company from wasting money resulting from ‘bad habits'. No matter whether it is good times or bad, the importance of cost efficiency strategies never changes. Consequences of cost inefficiencies The theory of inefficiency states that the distribution of resources between alternatives does not fit with consumer taste (perceptions of costs and benefits). For example, a company may have the lowest costs in â€Å"productive† terms, but the result may be inefficient in allocative terms because the â€Å"true† or social cost exceeds the price that consumers are willing to pay for an extra unit of the product.This is true, for example, if the firm produces pollution (see also external cost). Consumers would prefer that the firm and its competitors produce less of the product and charge a higher price, to internalize the external cost. Cost plays an important role in running of the business. Unfortunately, a business or a firm or an organization faces many problems due to improper use of cash held with them. In other word, it is also said as facing the consequences of cost inefficiency.Organizations have different range of problems than their larger counterparts, due to their inability to enjoy some of the same advantages in the marketplace. Most of these problems are due to revenue and cash-on-hand availability when the bills come due. But confronting these obstacles before they become a headache can help you to prevent them from becoming a major issue for your company through the study of cost efficiency. Following are the consequences faced by an organization:- Cash Flow The most important issue to any small business entrepreneur is cash flow.It does not help a small business to have a profitable upcoming quarter already signed on the dotted line, if the payroll for this Friday do es not have sufficient funds to pay your employees. Businesses which book revenue in advance, but do not realize the income for a period of months afterwards, must be especially careful with this timing. The future ledger may be showing nothing but green, but if the cash-on-hand dips into the red, a crisis may be coming sooner than your revenue can forestall it. Maintain lines of credit sufficient to keep your cash flow healthy as necessary, and keep a rainy day account if possible.Unforeseen Expenses Start-up companies and small businesses frequently run close to the bone and may be profitable only so long as unplanned events never occur. A retail store which clears $150,000 per year after expenses may seem to be in good shape, until a slip-and-fall lawsuit against the store awards the plaintiff $1. 3 million and there is no insurance coverage. Even smaller expenses, such as a one-time government levy on all businesses in a region, or a rise in the cost of goods, can cause a major change in the bottom line.Use your available credit when you need to tide over your short-term cash crunch, but keep a close eye on your long-term profitability to ensure that your overall liquidity is not threatened by the change in costs. Catastrophic Change A large corporation will probably survive the loss of a key executive to a debilitating injury or death, but these things frequently close small businesses when that person represents a large chunk of the available labor force–especially when the entrepreneur herself is that person. Likewise, a natural disaster or other major disruption can close a business for weeks or months.Whenever possible, have cash on hand and business policies to ensure that you will be able to reopen as soon as possible, or wether the temporary loss of a key employee, and then check your business plan to see if any of your prior assumptions have been changed by the new circumstances Once the organization identifies the sources of waste, and how much it is costing business, it should look at the most cost-effective way to reduce it. It's a good idea to focus initially on quick wins – things you can do immediately that will reduce waste almost instantly. You might also want to consider uick fixes – putting in place a temporary solution to a problem to give you time to design a more permanent answer. It is essential to give priority to cost improvements, as making a change to eliminate a problem might not always be cost-effective. The main focus should be on dealing with those problems which are most costly to the business because it will have the biggest impact on your profits. A case study Google purchase Motorola mobility About the Deal The Google, online giant on 15 August, 2011 made an announcement to buy Motorola Mobility, a maker of handsets and other electronic devices.Google Management Agreed to buy Motorola Mobility for $ 12. 5 billion. This is the largest  Ã‚  Ã‚   surprising acquisition by Google paying a premium of 63% to the 12th August, 2011 closing price ($40. 00 per share) of Motorola Mobility. The deal not only treated as a surprise, it will have a big impact on the mobile industry too. Motorola shareholders will get $40 a share in cash, the companies said in a statement today. That’s 63 percent more than Motorola Mobility’s closing price on the New York Stock Exchange on Aug. 12. Both boards have approved the takeover.This is a Vertical Merger (which companies at different places in a chain of products join together). Here, Hardware Client (Motorola) acquired by the Software Client (Google) Google expects to complete the transaction by early 2012. As recently as March, the deal was slowed to a crawl when the Chinese government expanded its investigation of the purchase. China finally cleared the deal this past weekend. Google had received approval for the deal from both the U. S. Department of Justice and the European Commission in February. The purchase also was approved by officials in Israel and Taiwan, leaving China as the last holdout.The purchase will help Google defend itself against various patent infringement lawsuits over the Android operating system, since Motorola has one of the smart-phone industry's largest patent libraries. Page also hailed the purchase as something that will allow Google to gain a bigger foothold in the mobile market. A Google phone running Android could be very marketable not only to consumers but to IT departments that need to outfit workers with mobile devices. Basically, owning both the handset hardware and the operating system could be a powerful combination that could drive Android adoption.Google has been working to expand its business into other hardware ventures. With Motorola, Google may be better able to push its way into the home entertainment market with its Google TV platform. In addition to being a world-renowned smart-phone maker, Motorola also is a major player in the home set-top b ox sector. Why Google plans to buy Motorola mobility? â€Å"Google is moving into hardware, which is very different from what they've done all along,† said Darren Hayes, a computer science professor at Pace University. â€Å"It's very difficult for a company to be able to be a successful software and hardware company.It worked for Apple to be in the hardware and software industries, but not all companies have been that successful. † Google's move toward Apple's close management of software and hardware signals a departure from its previous path and suggests Google may be dissatisfied with its current software licensing arrangements, which have led to the proliferation, but also fragmentation, of its Android mobile operating system. â€Å"Google is moving into hardware, which is very different from what they've done all along,† said Darren Hayes, a computer science professor at Pace University. It's very difficult for a company to be able to be a successful softw are and hardware company. It worked for Apple to be in the hardware and software industries, but not all companies have been that successful. † Google's move toward Apple's close management of software and hardware signals a departure from its previous path and suggests Google may be dissatisfied with its current software licensing arrangements, which have led to the proliferation, but also fragmentation, of its Android mobile operating system.Most directly, the deal marks a defensive maneuver in the high-stakes patent war that has pitted the world's largest technology companies against one another in dozens of drawn-out intellectual property (IP) disputes. Google CEO Larry Page framed the acquisition as a means to protect Google's Android mobile operating system against â€Å"anti-competitive threats† by shoring up his company's arsenal of patents.Analysts agree that Motorola's 17,000 patents and 7,500 patent applications are a major win for Google, which lacks a robus t portfolio of wireless patents relative to more established players and has been vulnerable to lawsuits from the likes of Apple, Microsoft and Oracle. Over forty lawsuits have been filed against Android, and ongoing patent disputes threaten to impose licensing fees on the software Google has given away to phone manufacturers for free, potentially jeopardizing Android's explosive growth. Google is a relatively new entrant in the mobile space and does not have a lot of mobile IP, so anything it can do to build up its IP in the wireless space will help reduce potential risk to the company from lawsuits in the future,† said Ovum analyst Nick Dillon. â€Å"If you look at Motorola's history and role in pioneering mobile communications from the very start, you'll see they have some really key patents that will be useful to Google. † Yet patents are only part of the story, experts say. The acquisition suggests that Google sees itself as unable to adequately compete in the mobi lity market without its own handset manufacturer.Google's bet is that having greater control over smartphone software and hardware will help it move beyond the desktop and beyond search. Owning Motorola will allow Google, more than ever before, to create mobile devices that satisfy the web giant's vision for what cellphones and tablets should be able to do. A new breed of Motorola smart-phones could be designed from the ground up to integrate Google products at every turn, from featuring the Google-plus social network to adding near field communication chips that allow cell-phones to be substituted for credit cards via Google Wallet.Fundamentally, Motorola offers Google a bridge from the digital to the physical world, and with it, a means of gaining valuable information about its users, such as their locations or what applications they use the most. Though Google said that it will continue to license its Android software, its mobile strategy will cease being at the mercy of third-pa rty handset manufacturers like HTC and Samsung. Instead, Google will able to dictate the price, distribution and features of its own line of devices. Google also stands to bolster its efforts to gain inroads into the living room by preading to TVs. Google TV, which was unveiled lat year but was unable to gain much traction, may stand a better chance when paired with Motorola's set-top box offerings. Until now, Google has been essentially hands off when it comes to hardware: it has offered its Android software to manufacturers at zero cost, without a having a say in the form of the phones Android will power. This disruptive and unorthodox strategy has allowed Google to gain enormous market share in very little time, overtaking Apple to claim 48 percent of the global smart-phone market, according to Canalys.To some extent, quality has been sacrificed for quantity as Android has expanded to more than 150 million devices made by more than thirty different manufacturers. Google frequentl y updates its Android software, but app developers, manufacturers and carriers are not always able to keep up, resulting in a proliferation of different versions of the Android operating system offering a range of experiences for users. Depending on Google's relationship with the handset manufacturer, or the manufacturer's approach to upgrades, a consumer could purchase a smart-phone running outdated software, straight out of the box.Not all Android apps perform equally on different versions of the software, an issue that has been a source of frustration for users and developers alike. Google's new approach — controlling the smart-phone experience from end-to-end — mirrors the vertical-integration strategy Apple has pursed with spectacular success, but one that has lately been a bust for the likes of Nokia and Research in Motion. Nokia, for example, recently ceded its top spot as the world's largest smart-phone vendor to Apple and announced it would retire its Symbian operating system in favor of Microsoft's Windows Phone software.Google is staking billions on its ability to successfully control both the software and hardware components of its company's devices — all while not alienating its partners, who have been instrumental in Android's rise and with whom Google will directly compete once the Motorola acquisition is complete. â€Å"Google has had history of picking favorites, but it's never directly competed with manufacturers,† said Ovum analyst Dillon. â€Å"Manufacturers have come out with statements of support. But what's said in public in one thing, and what's said behind closed doors is another. Benefits of the deal †¢ Google and Motorola Mobility together will accelerate innovation and choice in mobile computing. Consumers will get better phones at lower prices. †¢ Motorola Mobility’s patent portfolio will help protect the Android ecosystem. Android, which is open-source software, is vital to competition in the mobile device space, ensuring hardware manufacturers, mobile phone carriers, applications developers and consumers all have choice. †¢ The purchase of Motorola Mobility by Google has excited some technophiles and alarmed others.The first point of concern, at least from the customer's perspective, is whether or not Motorola's Android smart-phone platform would become the exclusive domain of Google customers. The acquisition certainly puts Android operating systems on better footing as they compete against Apple's iPhone, and with Google's capital resources, more money is sure to pour into Android technology. Following are some reasons why the Google-Motorola deal makes sense: Integration may be all that matters in the wireless industry.Apple’s hardware-software-ecosystem business model brings better profit margins, can grab market share and seems to delight consumers. Google’s Android effort could be a bit like herding cats. The larger question is whether t he vertically integrated model is the only one that works in the wireless industry. Google lands its patent treasure trove. If you consider that Google was going to pay nearly $4 billion for Nortel’s 6,000 wireless patents, $12. 5 billion for Motorola Mobility doesn’t look like a big chunk of change. With Motorola Mobility’s patents, Google can fend off lawsuits.In other words, Google builds out its patent portfolio. On a conference call, Page called out patents as a big reason for the Motorola Mobility acquisition. Google gets a TV play. While Google’s Motorola acquisition primarily revolves around wireless devices, there’s a significant living room play here. Why? Motorola Mobility has a significant set-top box business. In the cable box world, there are two players: Cisco and Motorola Mobility, which is the leader. Google will get significant relationships with cable providers and give Android more of a foothold.There’s a good chance that Google can keep hardware partners in the fold—for now. Page reiterated that Google will keep Android open source and work with partners such as HTC and Samsung. Also keep in mind that this Google-Motorola deal could win it some goodwill with hardware partners. Motorola was thinking about suing other Android hardware makers over patents. Google’s acquisition would put an end to that. The deal forces Microsoft’s hand. When it comes to the art of war, Google and Motorola force Microsoft’s hand a bit.With the Google-Motorola deal, Page is basically acknowledging that there’s no money in third-party operating systems in the mobile space. The upshot: Mobile software players need a hardware component. As a result, Microsoft may be forced to acquire a hardware player. Research in Motion and Nokia are prime takeover candidates. In any case, Microsoft will be distracted by a big acquisition. And Android boxes in Nokia and RIM. With Motorola, which has some enterprise credibility and Android innovations, Google can enter the enterprise easier.As a result, RIM increasingly looks like the odd man out. Nokia is already under fire as it waits for Windows Phone 7 to gain traction. RIM is betting on QNX as an operating system. Google is indicating that the wireless market is a two-platform race. And those two horses are going to be Android and iOS. Challenges of the deal: Google acquisitions may lead to serious channel conflict, it will lead to a direct competition with other hardware partners like Samsung, HTC etc. , and the hardware manufacturing is a very different area with  Google’s core business.The deal raises the following major challenges 1. HTC  and Samsung, two of the leading  Android-based smart-phone makers, feel about the fact that their â€Å"partner†Ã‚  Google  is now competing directly with them for hardware sales. 2. Need to change the perceptions of the Investors that are not perceived the deal in a p ositive way. 3. Management Cultures of Software and hardware companies are almost different it is one of the challenge for the Google while framing the policies that would not reach to management destructions or management failures 4.By this Acquisition Google employee strength would increase by 19000 which eventually decrease the profits of the business. It’s question to the management in effective utilization of man power in value generation. Valuation of the Deal |Swap ratio determination using market value method | |Particulars |Google Motorola | |Market capital |1,71,94,00,00,000 |11,21,00,00,000 | |Equity |46,24,10,00,000 |1,73,20,00,000 | |Market capitalization of the merged entity |1,83,15,00,00,000 | |Share of google |93. 8% | | |Share of mmi | |6. 12% | |Post merger equity of google | |49,25,57,81,959 | |Post merger equity of mmi | |3,01,47,81,959 | |Hence, 1 equity share of google is equal to | |11. 6019003 | |11. 56 of mmi | | | |Market price at the time of de al (august 12) |563. 77 |24. 47 | |Additional premium paid to mmi |280. 8921499 |49. 82% | By this Market Valuation Method this deal is Viable for Google at a premium of 50% Why is Google willing to pay a 63% premium?Google is expecting the following benefits from MMI by this Acquisition. Operational Benefits †¢ Google can Access all the product lines of MMI cell phone, set-top boxes and tablet which are having a very good market share Android software has made considerable inroads in the smartphone market with 150 million devices and 550,000 activations a day. †¢ Now, Google can compete with Global Leader like APPLE in future in hardware and software industry Accounting Benefits †¢ Tax benefit:   Acquiring loss making company by a profit making companyGoogle can make a tax advantage each year till 2019 can utilize the losses. Synergy Expectations: Fragmentation and a Better The Android market is currently heavily fragmented but the developers facing problem for d esigning the applications by this synergy Google will solve this problem by building a better Android OS with a lot of applications. Diversification and Google Vallet: Despite being a little over a decade old Google maintained the same portfolio now this deal brings new business focus hardware products, mobile computing. Invasion of Living RoomThe Google TV user interface that was launched earlier in May, 2011and Motorola is a strong player in the set-top box and home devices market this bid can expand presence of Google TV products into the living room. Patent The mobile computing industry has become a hotbed for patent disputes and thrust in the patent war. Google having about 1,000-odd patents this acquisition gives access to more than 17,000 patents and 7,000 pending patents held by Motorola. Google will now be able to successfully defend itself against a barrage of patent lawsuits filed by Apple, Microsoft and other rivals Hardware and Software synergy (Vertical Integration):Th is results in product efficiency and cost efficiency. Apple secret to become No. 1 Technology Company Integrating hardware and software and the results are iPhone, iPad, and iPod – devices that have become leaders in their respective market segments. Views about the Deal Management View: †¢ Larry Page, CEO of Google, said, â€Å"I look forward to welcoming Motorolans to our family of Googlers. † †¢ Mr. Page said I was â€Å"confident this deal will be approved† by regulators it tremendously beneficial to consumers,† †¢ For consumers, Once Motorola is owned by Google the handset maker could more aggressively ncorporate a technology called Near Field Communications (NFC) that is used for mobile payments and is supported by a version of Google's Android called Gingerbread. †¢ Investors Perception about the Deal †¢ Google: This Adventurous move in entirely different kind of business, one that could destroy its partnerships (and margins ) in one of its most important new Business Lines. Early Investors not perceived the deal in a positive way it results Google stock has gotten smacked in the pre-market. Another fact that could be worrying investors is that the Google-Motorola deal includes a $2. billion reverse break-up fee. †¢ MMI: The Internal Intention of MMI to get separated from its parent company is to get out in a better price and by showing its market growth among its products it got a chance to exit in a premium price leads to huge hike in the stock prices. The official SEC report outlines how Google bid against themselves and paid $4 billion more than the initial high-end target for bidding. The Self-Bidding War In July, Google started by floating the idea of buying Motorola for a high-$20s, low-$30s (per share) figure. On August 1st, an official bid of $30. 0 per share was made. Over the course of the next week and a half, however, Google would make two additional bids – $37. 00 and $40. 00 p er share – representing a full 33 percent increase from their initial offer, or $4 billion extra in total spent. How did Google get into a bidding war when no one else was bidding? It started before Google even made its initial offer. Google's Andy Rubin first approached Motorola in July, looking to purchase the company's patent portfolio. This attempt to expand mobile patent assets stemmed from a failed attempt to acquire Nortel's patent portfolio in April.However, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha indicated that â€Å"that it could be problematic for Motorola Mobility to continue as a stand-alone entity if it sold a large portion of its patent portfolio,† according to the SEC filing. This prompted Google to look at buying the whole company rather than just its patents. Google then floated a low-$30s bid as an initial cap. On August 1, Google â€Å"sent a letter to the Motorola Mobility Board of Directors proposing an acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Google for $30. 00 in c ash per share. † Motorola has approximately 299 million shares currently, so that bid equated to $9 billion.In response, Motorola brought on Quatalyst Partners, an independent investment bank. It was a Quatalyst representative who contacted Google on August 5 and suggested a bid of $43. 50 per share – or a total bid of approximately $13 billion total, according to  the New York Times. Google upped their bid to $37. 00 per share ($11 billion), but continued to push for a fast and confidential buy. Motorola and Quatalyst leveraged Google's intensity by declining the second bid and suggesting â€Å"a proposed price of $40. 50 or higher. † Google made the offer of $40. 00 per share, or $11. 96 billion.Added to the additional options and awards (approximately 29 million shares with alternate sources or pricing), we come to $12. 5 billion – our final figure. Did Google Overpay? From the moment the $12. 5 billion figure was released, analysts called the purchas e an inflated buy, and the realization that Google's initial cap would have been would have been closer to $9. 4 billion just affirmed that notion. After all, $40. 00 per share was a 63 percent increase when compared with Motorola's last after-market trading value. But Google wasn't just buying a company. More than anything, Google was buying patent protection.In the world of mobile, manufacturers are already signing patent licenses with Microsoft that cost $5 to $12 per unit, fighting battles against Apple, and Google themselves are involved in their biggest lawsuit yet with Oracle. In total, these lawsuits and licensing fees may cost Google and their partners billions of dollars, which explains why Google is willing to pay an inflated price. Google was also buying Motorola's silence: They didn't want to get involved in a bidding war with competitors who could then use Motorola's patents against Android. By bidding against themselves, they removed the incentive to open the floor to public bids.It was an expensive move, but one that offered important legal protections and access to hardware technology in a key industry. Suggestions: †¢ Key factors that we feel need to implement in order to make this deal successful Google need to strengthen the following segments that creates synergy in value positioning. †¢ Management Efficiency: Focus on stretegy that make effective use of newly added 19000 manpower †¢ Patent Efficiency: First 17000 and plus remaining 7500 patents been used in new technology creation need by the market space †¢ Cost Efficiency: Strict Implementation of control mechanisms over the business. Profit Maximization: This was the ultimate objective of this acquisition if Google implemented all the strategies as per mentioned in this case it has more possibility to reduce the chances of failure of the deal. Can achieve its targeted mile stone Conclusion The concept of saving money by making a product or performing an activity in a better way is nothing but cost efficiency. So with the help of this project we can conclude that cost efficiency helps in increasing profits of the business organization.Cost efficiency improves the standard of an organization and makes it more competitive in today’s business world. Most importantly, with the help of this theory of cost efficiency a company can preserve its resources and more obviously can use it in its future. Cost efficiency also helps in reducing wastage in organization. This leads to earning of more profit and less cost expenses. On the other hand, a business or a firm or an organization faces many problems due to improper use of cash held with them. In other word, it is also said as facing the consequences of cost inefficiency.Organizations have different range of problems than their larger counterparts, due to their inability to enjoy some of the same advantages in the marketplace. Most of these problems are due to revenue and cash-on-hand availabilit y when the bills come due. But confronting these obstacles before they become a headache can help you to prevent them from becoming a major issue for your company through the study of cost efficiency. In case of Google purchasing Motorola mobility Huge Experts have been watching the current scenario what will be the Google’s next step, how efficiently will manage this Hardware product line.How effectively use these synergies if this synergy became successful Google will reach to the sudden highs in a short span of time can became the competitor to the Market leader Apple. Now, Google can compete with Global Leader like APPLE in future in hardware and software industry. Well, up till now Google have faced less consequences as the employees of the Google Inc. have being studying cost expenses and try to reserve its resources and patents. Bebliography and webliography List of website:- www. mba. com www. marketing. about. com www. ehow. com www. ebrd. com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Budgeting Process Is a Waste of Time and Valuable Resources Essay

A budget is a plan for financing an enterprise or government during a definite period, which is prepared and submitted by a responsible executive to a representative body (or other duly constituted agent) whose approval and authorization are necessary before the plan may be executed. In the case of Uganda, it is a financing plan for one year prepared by the president and approved by Parliament. Some scholars have argued that budgets are a waste of time and valuable resources. But this statement is not entirely true as the budget process has some very useful roles in public administration as shown below;- Financial control. Government needs to be able to exercise control over the ministries and departs – i. e. to make sure that the ministries are keeping to plan and that necessary actions can be taken to put them back on track when needed. Government needs to have control tools to make sure that financial plans and targets are being achieved, and the best tool is the budget. The budget is a plan set out in numbers, which enables the government to exercise control. The difference between what is budgeted to happen and what actually happens is termed a variance. A favorable variance means that ministry or department is doing well while an adverse variance shows those that are not. Allocation of scarce resources. One of the biggest tasks of government is the allocation of scare resources. This is often done through the budget. Resource allocation refers to the distribution of resources, and in particular finance, from the center to peripheral levels. Because the budgetary process is often participatory, it enable the various ministries and local governments to identify their needs and present them to the centre. Programme Coordination. The budget process serves very well to coordinate government departments and ministries. It is at this budget process that the government can get to know who is doing what and at what cost. Government can for example be able to tell that water for irrigation has been covered under the Ministry of Agriculture and should therefore be omitted from the Ministry of Water and Environment. Communication. The public budget serves as a communication tool to a variety of audiences. The general public, civil society, and legislators all receive information from the budget process. Once the budget has been approved by the legislature and signed into law, the ministries and other agencies become the information recipients. Importantly, each of these actors perceives the budget differently. Budget also communicates upwards. Ministries and various agencies must prepare a budget that persuades the president that they support him and his manifesto. At this level of the process, the information in the budget document must explain why a program deserves continued support, how it meets the president’s policy priorities, and how well it is using the resources it has been given. After a ministry budget has been incorporated into the national budget the primary audience for communicating information shifts from the executive to the legislative branch of government. The primary goal at this stage is to provide information to legislature with the recommendations and analysis that serve as the basis for their decisions. Perhaps the most important purpose for public budgeting is to communicate a ministry’s intentions and performance to the citizens. The media also plays a major role in presenting budgets to the citizens. The key events in the budget processes and budget documents must serve to support a mass communication task. Successful communication helps to build legitimacy for the government and its programs. Budgeting as a Governing Tool. Public budgeting has become an increasingly central galvanizing force for both the administrative and policy side of governance. This process begins with the preparation of program-level, agency-level, and then ministry-level requests for the coming fiscal year. This budget process presents a political platform for the selection of policy choices and for the allocation of resources to support those choices. The development of a national budget provides the foundation from which to organize a coordinated response to these complex problems and needs. Financial Accountability. Reflecting its roots, the budget process provides the tools to ensure financial accountability. Legislative oversight and audit functions are important activities that provide an opportunity for ministries to demonstrate that they have complied with legislative directives. This compliance provides assurances to both elected officials and to the public that the ministry and its programs are serving the public interest. Influence on the Economy . The spending and taxation policies of the central government and local governments have economic impact. Of course, the central government, with its sh11 trillion for 2012/2013 has far more impact on the economy than billions the local governments spend. From an economist’s point of view, the budget serves the following combination of economic objectives: * funds social service programs for those in need, thus increasing the demand for private sector goods and services; * reflects tax policy that affects business and individuals; * reflects and funds the enforcement of commercial, transportation, land use and environmental regulations that affect the business climate; * funds education and other training programs that enhance the country’s human and economic resources; * funds routine purchases (like stationary) and capital projects (like Bujagali dam) that stimulate economic activity; * serves to redistribute wealth across the country’s residents; and * Supports the government as the largest single employer. Public Budgeting as Political tool. The budget process presents a series of opportunities for elected officials and interest groups. The perspectives and needs of elected officials and interest groups may fr equently contrast with the values and hopes of most public administrators. Understanding these contrasting needs is a useful key to understanding the budget process. Elected officials must respond to their constituent’s needs and demonstrate a record of leadership. MPs must demonstrate an ability to use government to solve problems in their constituencies. Survival of an MP rests on this ability. In contrast, civil servants often rely on public service and professional values to guide their sense of action and accomplishment. For example, at the ministry of finance, the minister (who is not elected) and budget analysts are primarily committed to acquiring the resources necessary to maintain the efficient and effective delivery of programs, not delivering on promises to constituents. The budget process provides leadership opportunities to bridge and reconcile these competing perspectives. The promises of an election campaign must be quickly translated into policies and programs. Campaign goals and visions must be translated into legislation and directives that can reform and reorient the ministries. The budget also provides an opportunity for the executive to engage with the legislature. When executive and legislative branches are divided, compromise is usually necessary to meet the constitutional duty shared by the Executive and legislative branches i. e the president must present a budget to the legislature and the parliament is constitutionally required to enact a budget. Waste of time. On many instances, however, budgets may appear of a waste of time when they are not adhered too. In Uganda for example, The Monitor newspaper reported that the budget for Sate House had jumped from Shs66. 1 billion approved in September last year to Shs204. 4 billion. On the day to day running, there always unforeseen consequences that governments have to cater for and often need extra resources beyond what is budgeted for. An example in Uganda was the Bududa landslides, In the US we have seen incidences such Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans in 2005. But that is only a perception. Budgets play a very big role in public management and administration.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Relationships Between Cost Management and Quality Management

The Relationships Between Cost Management and Quality Management The Relationships Between Cost Management and Quality ManagementThe relationships between cost management and quality management are an interesting one. Everyone in this world is a consumer of some sort. We all buy things and we all want only the best products for the best price. But, where is the line to be drawn for how much do we pay for quality? Most competitive companies have goals to put out the best product for the best price. They have many different slogans such as "quality is #1" or "customer service is #1." But how much should a company spend on quality before it starts to cut into profit.Quality ManagementQuality management is one of the hardest jobs of a manager to control. The goal behind good quality management is improving business processes, optimizing the performance of your business, and maximizing profitability. By definition, quality is a degree of excellence, superiority in kind.English: Quality management. Franà §ais : Managemen...(Mish p. 963) And management is defined as the conducting or supervising of something. (Mish p. 722) This leads us to the definition of quality management being the supervising of a degree of excellence. Most companies aim to achieve a certain degree of excellence without going over budget. Many managers out there feel that being overly intricate in their quality inspections is a good way to be a manager. However, after the first few times an employee has completed the same task there should be an understanding by the employee as how to handle their job correctly. If a manager becomes too involved in the processes in production, they begin to lose their management appeal and start to become a production employee. Many companies, such as the producer of tiny microchips, Sawtek in Orlando, FL, have a specific position for quality checks. Once the product is at...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Haunted House Essays

Haunted House Essays Haunted House Essay Haunted House Essay The Haunted House It was a house that most people tend not to venture and it gave no indication that anyone should. Its entrance had an old iron gate that creaked from here to heaven. The pavement leading to the house was beginning to crumble from its use over the years. There was a big oak tree at the front that made the house even spookier. We opened the old dirty wooden door and found ourselves in the dark musky living room. It was filled with so much dust and cobwebs that made it almost impossible to breathe. It was furnished with antique furniture that was imported specially for its former owners. Some were covered with sheets while the others showed Just about enough dust to have been from centuries ago. I thought I heard sounds coming from the rooms upstairs so while the others went to see the kitchen I went ahead to explore. The boards on the floor were old and rotting in some areas, so one had to be careful where they placed their feet. As I reached the top stairs I heard the sound again and I knew this time it was not my imagination; it sounded like a baby crying. The sound was coming from the first room on the right. : Upon opening the door I saw a rocking chair moving back and forth and thinking that someone was playing a prank on me I went forward to see what was causing the chair to move and that was when I saw her. She could not have been more than six years old; she was combing her dolls hair and singing, My bunny lives over the ocean, my bunny lives over the sea, my bunny lives over the water, so bring back my bunny to me. I was thinking to myself and was about to ask ere what was she doing here all alone, when she stood up looked me squarely In the eyes and started coming towards me. She walked straight through me and towards the other room, and that was when I realized that I came In contact with my first ghost. My heart started racing and my pores seemed to have opened up. I woke up minutes later with all my friends present wanting an explanation. When I told them what I saw they all laughed and said Its best If we leave now before she starts freaking out We exited the house and with one final glance I noticed the little girl waving goodbye.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ortiz Surname Meaning and Origin

Ortiz Surname Meaning and Origin The name Ortiz is a patronymic surname meaning son or Orton or Orta, with its origin in Spanish. Ortiz is the 94th most popular surname in the United States and the 16th most common Hispanic surname. Alternate Surname Spellings: Ortize, Ortez, Ortaz, Ortes, Ortis Famous People with the Surname ORTIZ: David Ortiz - Major League Baseball Player.Victor Ortiz - professional American boxer.Russ Ortiz - Major League Baseball Pitcher.Tito Ortiz - MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Fighter. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Ortiz allows you to search the popular genealogy forum for the Ortiz surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Ortiz query. With you can find records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Ortiz surname and its variations. RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Ortiz surname. Cousin Connect  allows you to read or post genealogy queries for the surname Ortiz, and sign up for free notification when new Ortiz queries are added. provides access to free databases and genealogy links for the last name Ortiz. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Does It Make Sense For Nestle To Focus Its Growth Efforts On Emerging Essay

Does It Make Sense For Nestle To Focus Its Growth Efforts On Emerging Markets Why - Essay Example The growth level of Nestle is rising in developing nations such as China, South East Asia and a few markets of Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Thus, it makes sense for Nestle to focus its growth in emerging markets (Biotee, n.d.). The company through mergers and acquisitions developed its growth and expanded the operations along with increase in market share in emerging markets. As the rising markets are providing ample of opportunities for Nestle to expand their business in certain growing economies, thus it can provide them opportunity for future sustained growth (One World Trust, 2007). Nestle, one of the world's largest food groups have set out to expand their business in the fast-growing emerging markets which will enable them to make future market growth with the help of new products as well as their existing products (The Economic Times, 2011). Nestle is much conscious of the emerging markets importance to its businesses. In 2009, the company had a 42 per cent fall down in its net profit. In 2010, Nestle had seen a growth of 0.3 per cent from its established markets whereas in Asian countries such as China there was around double- digit growth for the company. In provisions of retail sales the company is also ranked in third after Mars-Wrigley and Cadbury in the emerging markets. Thus, it is important for Nestle to expand its market in emerging nations for its future growth (Greenmail, 2010)... In provisions of retail sales the company is also ranked in third after Mars-Wrigley and Cadbury in the emerging markets. Thus, it is important for Nestle to expand its market in emerging nations for its future growth (Greenmail, 2010) 2.0 What Is the Company’s Strategy With Regard To Business Development in Emerging Markets? Does This Strategy Make Sense? From An Organizational Perspective, What Is Required For This Strategy To Work Effectively? Nestle continues to expand in emerging markets by extending to Central and Eastern Europe with the creation of a new service centre. They had developed strategies in order to generate growth in the local economy by enhancing employment opportunities and creating a talent pool of young skilled workers in the developing nations (Nestle, 2010). In emerging markets Nestle grow by controlling ingredients along with processing technology for local conditions and utilising the suitable brand for that market. In Asia, Nestle attain local comp anies in order to make a group of independent regional managers as they are much acquainted with the culture of local markets than others. They are generally focussed on developing local foods for local markets and they are not providing importance to their global brands in emerging markets. It also localises its distribution and marketing strategy to the requirements of the local market (Slide Share, 2011). In Nigeria, Nestle selected local singers in order to visit towns as well as villages for providing a mix of entertainment along with product demonstrations. In China, the company built its own distribution of network which is branded as ‘milk roads’

Friday, October 18, 2019

What is strategic HRM To what extent and in what ways might HRM have a Essay

What is strategic HRM To what extent and in what ways might HRM have a strategic role to play in organisations - Essay Example In addition, the traditional employees’ motivators have changed and individuals are given more decision-making power. As the result, the role of HRM is also changing. HRM is already recognized to have influence in overall organization effectiveness. Human Resource strategy is focused on integrating different HR practice into businesses to provide competitive advantage. â€Å"HRM cannot be viewed as the separate function of business unit because the alignment of HR processes with business strategies is of primary importance† (Armstrong 2002). Despite of technological advances, the knowledge and skills of employees are the key source of organizational efficiency. According to the statistics in UK, the HR specialists have the seat on the Board of Directors in almost every company. Thus, the HR department has the significant level of influence within an organization. As many as 54 percent of HR managers in UK are involve in the development of overall company strategy. Having the right people on the right positions determines the organizational success. Companies are become more oriented to global markets and as the result, the personnel becomes culturally diverse. Ensuring â€Å"the productive cooperation of multicultural individuals is vital for strategy accomplishment† (Tyson 1995). If the company wants to succeed, having flexible, effective workforce is the first step to start with. For this reason, there is the tendency to outsource HR activities to professional agencies. Recruitment, training, consultations, team building and even downsizing are the services provided by outside professionals. Despite of the increasing need to implement strategic Human Resource Management, there are several concerns that challenge the transition from traditional to strategic functioning. Globalization has increased to need in â€Å"well-educated, trained and flexible workforce† and â€Å"individuals

Genetic Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetic Engineering - Assignment Example Perhaps the first and most obvious reason that GMO food exhibits a clear and definitive concern to the human population is with regard to the unknown level of impact that GMO necessarily poses to human health. Shockingly, very little independent research has been performed on GMOs to determine the level of impact, if any, that they might have with regard to human health. Moreover, seed company agreements forbid the sale or use of any of their seeds for the process of independent research, all but stymieing any attempt that an independent researcher might make in order to draw a level of inference with regard to whether or not GMOs are harmful, beneficial or neutral. However, the fact that seed manufacturers are so particular about including the caveat that their products cannot be sold or utilised for independent research sheds a level of particular doubt in the mind of the reader with regard to the overall health concerns that use of GMO might present for any society’s food s upply. Moreover, another particular level of the unknown that exists with regard to the use of GMO in food is the fact that many of the GMO food sources currently in the market have been proven to have a built-in resistance to certain types of antibiotics. For instance, Amflora, a type of genetically modified potato, was recently tested by a European committee and found to have a gene specifically built-in to the potato that was predisposed to a type of antibiotic resistance. Although this particular type of genetically modified potato may have little or no effect upon the human being, the mere existence of an antibiotic resistant gene within genetically modified food is able to alert the reader that serious concerns about health may very well exist with regard to genetically modified food. Although genetically modified food is something that holds a great deal of promise it at the same time holds a great

Valued Employee Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Valued Employee Program - Essay Example ?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....10 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.12 Appendix†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...13 Appendix A†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...14 Abstract Due to the global recession, the world is also experiencing global employability crisis especially in the country. To answer this problem, new talents must be f ound. This can be achieved by renewing business and management strategies. This would also include a program to enhance talent already in the company. Rewards and recognitions must be given either formally or informally. Other incentives may also be given. Successful implementation of these programs or strategies would contribute to the success of the company. Keywords: Rewards and recognition, valuing employees, global employability crisis Valued Employee Program Introduction â€Å"People are definitely a company's greatest asset because a company is only as good as the people it keeps.† This is a famous quote from Mary Kay Ash, a very successful American businesswoman. For a company to be a globally competitive one, it should know how to make its people competitive at the same time knowing how to keep them for long-term. This means having or discovering new talents and also giving rewards and recognitions to employees. According to Gallop (2006) as cited by Ascent Group (20 08), companies with high levels of employee satisfaction enjoyed higher return on investment. This is what our program wants to achieve. Satisfaction to the employee like rewards, recognitions, benefits, incentives, bonuses and satisfaction to the company in terms of increased sales, revenues and profits and also credibility will be achieved. Labor Force Situation As leaders transition toward growth, there is an increased focus on human capital which involves identifying and actively engaging the most critical employees, rapidly aligning the workforce around change and ensuring getting most of the dollar they spent (Aon Hewitt, 2011). Also, according to ManpowerGroup (2011), talent becomes increasingly difficult to find heading towards a global employability crisis. This means lesser assets to the company. Companies must reconsider work models and workforce strategies to execute their business strategies. Old assumptions on structure and organization of work plus the development of talent must be changed so as not to put the business in danger. These new strategies entail much effort to be put upon. It is becoming more and more difficult to find and engage the right employees (Ascent Group, 2011). Thus, more jobs are being difficult to fill. Based from the 2011 Talent Shortage Survey by the ManpowerGroup, the Top 10 Jobs Employers are Having Difficulty Filling Globally are as follows: 1) technicians; 2) sales representatives; 3) skilled trades workers; 4) engineers; 5) laborers; 6) management/executives; 7) accounting and